Issue - meetings
Residential and Nursing Fee Setting Proposals 2016/2017
Meeting: 11/07/2016 - Council (Item 34)
APPROVAL: To consider any recommendations of the Executive or Council Committees which require the approval or consideration of the Council.
A. Social Care Fee Setting Proposals 2016/17 Living - Cabinet 6 June 2016, Minute No. 142 refers (attached).
B. Revision of Governance Arrangements for Wirral Partnership Homes Trading as Magenta Living - Cabinet 6 June 2016, Minute No. 143 refers (attached).
C. Report of the Independent Panel on Members’ Allowances – 7 June 2016 (attached).
The follow Minutes of the last 4 Policy and Performance Committees and the Children Sub–Committee are attached for approval in light of the recent changes to the scrutiny arrangements and the need for final sign off.
D. Policy and Performance Co-ordinating Committee held on 15 June 2016 (attached).
E. Policy and Performance Families and Wellbeing Committee held on 8 March 2016 (attached).
F. Policy and Performance Regeneration and Environment Committee held on 2 March 2016 (attached).
G. Policy and Performance Transformation and Resources Committee held on 22 March 2016 (attached).
H. Children Sub-Committee held on 30 March 2016 (attached).
Additional documents:
- Social Care Fee Setting Proposals Report, 06/06/2016 Cabinet, item 34
PDF 285 KB
- Minute 143, item 34
- Revision of Governance Arrangements for Wirral Partnership Homes trading as Magenta Living, 06/06/2016 Cabinet, item 34
PDF 175 KB
- Panel's Final Report v2, item 34
- First Draft of Panel's Report - Appendix 1, item 34
- Minutes , 15/06/2016 Policy and Performance - Coordinating Committee, item 34
PDF 114 KB
- Minutes , 08/03/2016 Policy and Performance - Families and Wellbeing Committee, item 34
- Minutes , 02/03/2016 Policy and Performance - Regeneration and Environment Committee, item 34
PDF 117 KB
- Minutes , 22/03/2016 Policy and Performance - Transformation and Resources Committee, item 34
- Minutes , 30/03/2016 Children Sub-Committee, item 34
In accordance with Standing Order 5(2), four matters were submitted for approval by the Council (see minutes 35 to 38 post).
Meeting: 06/06/2016 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 Social Care Fee Setting Proposals 2016/2017 PDF 285 KB
Councillor Chris Jones introduced a report by the Head of Transformation and Commissioning that set out the outcome of consultation with care providers with regard to 2016-17 fee rates for services provided for Adults in Wirral Council. The report summarised local requirements to deliver a sustainable care market within the Care Act requirements, with a quality of care that reflected local expectations. The Cabinet was informed that officers had worked collaboratively with an independent agency to benchmark, consult and engage with the sector, and had provided an independent oversight and objective review of processes. Proposals had been made in the context of significant financial pressures in relation to care costs for both providers and the Council.
The consultation had covered services provided on behalf of Wirral Adult Social Care and Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group as part of its joint commissioning arrangements with service provision Wirral Wide in all wards.
The report covered all sectors: Residential and Nursing (including Intermediate Care and specialist services), Domiciliary Care and Supported Living.
The Cabinet noted that funding required to meet recommended increases was in excess of what the Council had budgeted for in 2016/17 and would require the transfer of £1.5 million from the revenue budget contingency plus an additional £1.5 million of balances to be used for 2016/17 to fill the gap with the commitment to build this into the 2017/18 Budget. To put this into context the Cabinet noted that the 2% Adult Social Care precept raised £2.3 million and was already being used for Adult Social Care.
The Cabinet was informed that the following pledges were linked to and supported by the recommended increases:
· Older People Live Well
· People with disabilities live Independently
· Young People are ready for work and adulthood
· Wirral is a place where employers want to invest and businesses thrive
· Greater job opportunities in Wirral Council
· Thriving small businesses
· Workforce skills meet business needs
The report also included the following appendices providing the detail for each sector:
Appendix 1 – Interim Rates
Appendix 2 – Benchmarking Data
Appendix 3 – Summary of Feedback Receive
Councillor Phil Davies informed that he welcomed the proposal to invest £3 million additional funding and made reference to the Living Wage, one of the Council’s key priorities. The Council was enabling Care Homes to pay this. Councillor Davies also made reference to the Council’s chronic under funding and the need for proper funding to meet the needs of elderly people. He informed that given the financial challenges the Council was facing, this was a good settlement.
(1) the rate and fees recommended by officers within the report be approved;
(2) the Council be RECOMMENDED to meet the increased cost of £3 million by £1.5 million from the revenue budget contingency and the £1.5 million from balances during 2016/17;
(3) the proposal that payments to providers be back dated to 1 April 2016 be approved;
(4) the forward work plan with the independent agency to develop a new costed care model ... view the full minutes text for item 6