Issue - meetings

Homelessness and the impact of welfare benefit reform

Meeting: 02/03/2016 - Policy and Performance - Regeneration and Environment Committee (Item 44)

44 Homelessness and the impact of welfare benefit reform pdf icon PDF 272 KB


The Senior Manager – Supported Housing and Homelessness introduced her report that provided Members with an update on the issue of homelessness in Wirral, and outlined the progress made in terms of its prevention and reduction. The report also advised Members of the consequential impact of welfare reforms on levels of homelessness in the borough, and how homelessness has the potential to affect all Wards within the Borough.


The Committee heard how the delivery of an effective homeless response directly contributed to a principal theme of the ‘Wirral Council Plan: A 2020 Vision’ of protecting the most vulnerable of Wirral’s residents. It also assisted with the achievement of a number of the pledges set out in the Council’s vision, namely:


·  “Good quality housing that meets the needs of residents”

·  “Children are ready for school”

·  “Wirral residents live healthier lives”

·  “Vulnerable children reach their full potential”

·  “Reduce child and family poverty”

·  “Zero tolerance to Domestic Violence”

·  “Community Services are joined-up and accessible”

·  “People with disabilities live independently”

·  “Older People Live Well”

·  “Wirral’s neighbourhoods are safe”


The report concluded that people were now facing real difficulties in managing their income and housing as a result of the downturn in the economy and how it impacted on the housing market. In addition to the changes taking place around the future of social housing and changes to welfare benefits homelessness was increasing across the country, and there were fears it would continue to increase.


Members noted that the Homelessness and Housing Options Team would continue to review existing service delivery and homeless prevention tools to meet the changing needs of Wirral residents in housing need - in line with Wirral’s Homeless Strategy - and that the Supported Housing and Homelessness Division would undertake a strategic review of all supported accommodation services and continue to monitor the impacts of welfare reform.


Members commented that although a most informative and detailed report its content provided sober reading and it was ‘disgusting’ that such marginalisation was occurring as a result of government policy.


The Committee requested that the topic of homelessness be included in its work programme, and that a Task and Finish Group be appointed in the new Municipal Year.


Resolved - That the report be noted.