Issue - meetings
Customer Relationship Management System Update Report
Meeting: 22/03/2016 - Policy and Performance - Transformation and Resources Committee (Item 40)
40 Customer Relationship Management System Update Report PDF 90 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 for Customer Relationship Management System Update Report, item 40 PDF 76 KB
- Appendix 2 for Customer Relationship Management System Update Report, item 40 PDF 125 KB
The Change Programme Manager presented a report on the work being undertaken to review the council’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system and identify future requirements that would align with Wirral’s 2020 Vision.
A ‘soft market testing’ exercise had been undertaken and 10 shortlisted suppliers had presented their solutions to 100 plus stakeholders.
Core stakeholders were currently reviewing the information supplied during the presentations; feedback would be provided by wider stakeholders and engagement with other local authorities who had recently implemented a similar approach. This process was expected to be complete by the end of March 2016. This would then inform a revised and comprehensive specification that would be shared again with wider stakeholders for feedback before approval by senior leadership team and members.
The expectation was that, in order to fulfil this specification and meet future business needs, a procurement process would invite prospective suppliers (not limited to previously shortlisted SMT suppliers) to submit tenders stating how their solutions would meet these clearly defined requirements. The invitation to tender document was expected to be ready for publishing on the NW procurement portal by April 2016.
The core panel would then be responsible for reviewing / shortlisting and selecting a successful bidder who would engage with the council to confirm an agreed implementation schedule, within the terms laid out in the specification.
Responding to comments from Members, the Change Programme Manager made a number of points, including:
· There would be flexibility in the user interface which would be easy to use with drop down boxes and tick boxes. There would also be an option to add text as the form could not cover all eventualities.
· Users would not have to repeat all their details each time.
· The review of the system did recognise that the current self-serve channels were not fit for purpose.
· Self-serve facilities were available in One Stop Shops and libraries for those who didn’t have their own computers or connected devices.
· The growth in the use of smartphones / tablets was continuing to rise, which further enabled the targeting of more expensive mediation services at One Stop Shops towards those customers who did not have access to the internet.
· The issues of data protection were covered in the specification.
· The project would go out to tender in April and the specification was currently being refined, some input had been received from Members.
Whilst the report focussed on the IT system and the technology, a number of the questions from Members related to customer engagement and services provided to people contacting the Council. It was suggested that the project should be put on the work programme as a priority and that the Transaction Centre Senior Manager attend the next meeting of the Committee and provide an update on customer contact / customer engagement.
Resolved –
(1) That the report be noted.
(2) That the CRM development be placed on the Work Programme.
(3) That an update report be provided to the next meeting on customer contact / engagement with ... view the full minutes text for item 40