Issue - meetings

Financial Monitoring 2016/17 Quarter 1

Meeting: 17/10/2016 - Council (Item 59)




To consider any recommendations of the Executive or Council Committees which require the approval or consideration of the Council.


A.  Revenue Monitoring 2016/17 Quarter 1

(Pages 57 – 68)

Minute 27 and the report to Cabinet (18 July, 2016) are attached and the Council is recommended to approve the amended revenue budget 2015/16.


B.  Capital Monitoring 2016/17 Quarter 1

(Pages 69 – 84)

Minute 28 and the report to Cabinet (18 July, 2016) are attached and the Council is recommended to approve the revised capital programme of £58.97 million.


C.  Core Strategy Local Plan – Wirral Retail and Leisure Study Update

(Pages 85 – 102)

Minute 32 and the report to Cabinet (18 July, 2016) are attached and the Council is recommended to approve the Core Strategy Local Plan – Wiral Retail and Leisure Study Update.


D.  Chief Officer Structure – The New Operating Model

(Pages (103 – 108)

The Council is recommended to agree the recommendation of the Employment and Appointments Committee (25 July, 2016) Minute 3(8) below:


“That this Committee RECOMMENDS to Council that the Council’s Pay Policy be amended to reflect a change in the title of grade from ‘Strategic Director’ (Spinal Column Points 1-5) to ‘Senior Director’ (Spinal Column Points 1-5), as the Strategic Director is to be replaced by the three new senior posts. There are no changes to the salaries for this grade.” 


The Council’s Pay Policy 2016/17 may be found here (Council 14 March, 2016, Minute 110 refers):


E.  Liverpool City Region Devolution Agreement – Adoption of Cooperation on Local Planning

(Pages 107 – 176)

Member Decision and supporting report (26 July, 2016) are attached and the Council is recommended to agree adoption of the Statement of Cooperation on Local Planning.


F.  Council Constitution - Scheme of Non-Executive Delegation of Functions to Officers (Part 3, Schedule 4A Part 1)

(Pages 177 – 206)

The report to Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee (4 October, 2016) is attached and the Council is recommended to approve amendments to the Council Constitution - Scheme of Non-Executive Delegation of Functions to Officers (Part 3, Schedule 4A Part 1). Minute 19(1) (to follow).




The following matter, determined by the Cabinet, is drawn to the Council’s attention in accordance with the Constitution (copies of the related report can be provided for Council members on request).


Cabinet – 18 July, 2016

(Pages 207 – 208)

Minute 25 – Financial Monitoring Out-turn Reports for 2015/16.

Additional documents:


In accordance with Standing Order 5(2), six matters were submitted for approval by the Council, and one matter for noting by the Council (see minutes 60 to 66 post).


Meeting: 18/07/2016 - Cabinet (Item 27)

27 Revenue Monitoring 2016/17 Quarter 1 (To June 2016) pdf icon PDF 175 KB


Ensuring robust, transparent and effective management of our finances remains of the utmost importance. As national austerity policies continue, the responsibility falls on local government to ensure the services which residents rely on every day remain viable.


“Wirral Council once again has set a balanced and sustainable budget, and is committed to working hard throughout the year to ensure it is delivered. We are reporting a small variance and projected overspend this year – less than 0.5% of our revenue budget – and we remain confident we have the necessary plans and systems in place to quickly rectify this situation and once again deliver a balanced budget at the end of the financial year.


  Councillor Phil Davies




Councillor Phil Davies introduced a report of the Senior Manager (Finance), which set out the projected revenue position for 2016/17 as at the close of quarter 1 (30 June 2016). 


The latest position forecasted an overspend of £1.1 million for 2016/17, which was less than 0.5% of the revised budget. Council had agreed a Revenue Budget Contingency of £12 million in anticipation of increasing pressures and the delayed delivery of previously agreed savings. The most challenging areas where in the adult social care and children and young people’s services.


Following a review of the financial position and having regard to the 2015/16 out-turn it was recommended that £11.1 million of the revenue budget contingency be allocated, £3.9m within Adult Social Services, £5m in Children’s Services, £0.5m for Transformation and Resources and £1.7m in respect of corporate budgets. After use to mitigate pressures and additional care fee costs, £0.9m of the revenue budget contingency would remain. The allocation of General Fund balances would increase the 2016/17 net cost of services budget by £1.6m.


Reason for decision:


The Council, having set a Budget at the start of the financial year, needs to ensure that the delivery of this Budget is achieved. Consequently there is a requirement to regularly monitor progress so that corrective action can be taken when required which is enhanced with the regular reporting of the financial position.






(1)  The £11.1 million distribution of the Revenue Budget Contingency be approved.


(2)  The use of £1.6 million of General Fund balances be RECOMMENDED to Council for approval.


(3)  The receipt of £0.17 million of New Homes Bonus Returned Funding Grant which would be added to General Fund balances be noted.


(4)  The underspend of £1.3 million identified during the closure of the 2015/16 accounts being added to General Fund balances be noted.


(5)  Officers identify actions and take measures to reduce the projected overspend of £1.1 million and replenish General Fund balances.