Issue - meetings

Financial Monitoring Quarter 1 2016//17

Meeting: 13/09/2016 - Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 26)

26 Financial Monitoring Quarter 1 2016//17 pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Additional documents:


Tom Sault, Head of Financial Services introduced a report which set out the projected revenue and capital monitoring position for 2016/17 as at the close of quarter 1 (30 June 2016) as reported to Cabinet on 18 July 2016.


The quarter one revenue report forecast an overspend of £1.1 million for the year and sought approval for the allocation of £11.1 million from the Revenue Contingency Budget to Directorates and the use of £1.6 million of General Fund Balances. The report also updated on other budgetary movements which had arisen since the 2016/17 budget was agreed.


The capital report updated the capital programme to reflect re-profiling of schemes between years which produced a capital programme of £58.97 million for 2016/17. Expenditure after the first quarter concluded was £2.7 million.


Under the New Operating Model, existing directorates would be superseded with new structures based around a Strategic Hub, Business Support function and a number of Delivery Units. Overview and Scrutiny Committees had already been reconstituted away from a directorate basis to align with Wirral’s 20/20 three Vision themes of Business, People and Environment.


A budget realignment process was to take place to align to the New Operating Model. In very broad terms People would cover areas currently within Adult Social Care and Children and Young People, Environment would cover areas within Regeneration and Environment, whilst Business would cover Transformation and Resources plus aspects of the Regeneration and Environment budget.


Resolved – That the report and appendices be noted.