Issue - meetings
2016/17 Quarter 2 Wirral Plan Performance - Business Theme
Meeting: 29/11/2016 - Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 40)
40 2016/17 Quarter 2 Wirral Plan Performance - Business Theme PDF 124 KB
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Alan Evans, Strategic Commissioner - Growth, introduced a report which described performance at Quarter 2 (July to September 2016). At quarter 1, a range of feedback was provided by each of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees on the reports provided. Following this, officers had met with the Committee Chairs and Spokespersons to review report provision. The report submitted was a pilot approach, agreed at that session, to provide more detail in terms of performance against each of the pledges that fell within the remit of this Committee. A list of key performance highlights was provided in the report.
Responding to comments from Members, Mike Callon, Team Leader, Performance and Scrutiny, explained how some of the indicators were measured. Indicators were identified in consultation with partners through the new partnership delivery arrangements. It was acknowledged that no indicator on its own would demonstrate the achievement of the pledges and where possible, a range of indicators and / or measures were identified to demonstrate outcomes being delivered. Indicators and measures could be either annual or quarterly. For annual indicators, data was released at different times of the year and reported in the quarter when it became available. This was a new way of performance reporting as the Wirral Plan was an outcome-focussed, partnership plan. All indicators and measures would be reviewed as part of planning for 2017/18.
Resolved – That the report be noted.