Issue - meetings


Meeting: 08/12/2016 - Cabinet (Item 74)




Councillor Ann McLachlan, Cabinet Member  - Transformation, Leisure and Culture (and Joint Deputy Leader of the Labour Group), said:


“The Wirral Plan was created to change people’s lives for the better: the 20 Pledges are our contract with the people of Wirral, and we will deliver as promised.  Combined, they will have a huge impact, improving the quality of life every one of our residents can enjoy.


We are now well into the delivery phase of our Plan, and we are seeing some real results – concrete evidence which demonstrates the impact we are having all across the borough.  We are also clear about where our challenges still exist.


We promised Wirral residents we would be open and honest with them about our progress and this report is an important part of that process”.


Councillor Ann McLachlan introduced a report which provided a progress update on the ongoing delivery of the Wirral Plan and 20 Pledges.  It focussed on key activities and successes in Quarter 2 (July to September 2016) and the progress which had been made.


Councillor McLachlan highlighted the following progress that had been made:


  • Strong economic performance continued in Wirral, with the number of jobs created continuing to be above target and the overall employment rate had increased by 2.3% since the last comparable period in 2015. The innovative ‘Wirral Ways to Work’ Programme had also supported more than 200 residents since July, seeking to help them find employment and training opportunities.


  • The condition of the Borough’s A, B and C roads had returned to an excellent position with targets for 2016/17 being exceeded.  This meant Wirral had some of the best roads when compared to all other councils in England.


  • A pilot approach to identify socially isolated older people had been completed in Eastham.  The event had been led by Age UK Wirral and resulted in 76 people being referred to services across the Wirral Partnership to receive the help and support they needed.


  • The take up of the 2 year old offer had improved from 72.2% at quarter one to 74.1%. There was a continuing challenge to ensure all eligible children took up their education places.  The underlying data told us Birkenhead had the highest number of eligible children but had the lowest percentage take up.  A new approach to tackle this was being developed and would be rolled out over the remainder of the reporting period.


  • In line with our strategy to address under-reporting and reduce incidents of repeat domestic abuse, the number of referrals continued to increase in quarter 2 and repeat victimisation had reduced.  There remained a challenge to address the perceived under-reporting in households with children. The Tomorrow's Women Wirral Peer Mentor Project had proved to be a highly effective community-based support programme for survivors of domestic abuse. It had resulted in peer mentors being trained up to champion domestic abuse support in order that more victims had the confidence to come forward.