Issue - meetings

Transport Plan for Growth Programme 2017/18

Meeting: 27/02/2017 - Cabinet (Item 100)


Additional documents:


Stuart Wittingham UPDATED

Councillor Stuart Whittingham, Cabinet Member - Transport, Technology and

Infrastructure, said:


Our ambitions for Wirral are dependent on a transport network which is safe, efficient and attracts employers to our borough.


I am delighted we have been awarded £1,160,000 to improving our highway infrastructure.


This investment will help bring about further growth in our economy, it will help reduce carbon emissions and – crucially – it will further improve our roads to support our residents to travel safely and efficiently.


Councillor Stuart Whittingham introduced a report that informed that on 3 February 2017, the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority awarded £1,160,000 of Integrated Transport Block funding to the Council, to support the delivery of the Liverpool City Region Transport Plan for Growth during 2017/18.  The report sought the Cabinet’s approval to accept the £1,160,000 and allocate it to priorities and projects as outlined in the report.


Wirral’s Transport Plan for Growth supported the Wirral Plan 20/20 pledge to provide Transport and Technology Infrastructure fit for the future by ensuring that Wirral had safe, affordable, well maintained and efficient transport networks for residents to access community services, leisure facilities and commute to work.


Appended to the report was the 2017/18 ITB _ Transport Plan for Growth Capital Programme - Proposed Projects.


This was a Key Decision and affected all Wards within the Borough.




(1)  £1,160,000 of Integrated Transport Block funding allocated to the Council by Liverpool City Region Combined Authority be accepted;


(2)   the proposed programme for this funding as set out in Appendix 1 be approved; and


(3)   authority be delegated to the Strategic Commissioner - Environment, in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Transport, Technology and Infrastructure, to make necessary adjustments to the priorities within the programme should the need arise due to financial or other factors.