Issue - meetings
AGS Significance Governance Issues Update
Meeting: 30/01/2017 - Audit and Risk Management Committee (Item 42)
42 AGS Significance Governance Issues Update PDF 80 KB
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The Assistant Director: Finance (S151) introduced his report that provided the Audit and Risk Management Committee with a progress update on actions taken by officers to address items of concern identified in the Annual Governance Statement for 2015/16.
The Assistant Director: Finance (S151) informed that following consideration of the Annual Government Statement (AGS) by the Committee at its meeting in September 2016, Members had requested that a standard agenda item be included for future meetings to enable regular updates on any matters of concern arising from the AGS.
The report Appendix 1 provided a detailed summary of key issues, outcomes required, target dates, actions and monitoring procedures and informed of the latest positions and progress in relation to the following matters:
- Compliance with Council processes and procedures - Performance Appraisals, Absence Management, Contract Procedure Rules, Essential Training;
- Improvement Notice Issued by the Secretary of State for Education re September 2016 Ofsted Report;
- ICT - Business Continuity and Resilience Plans including location of data centres; and
- 2016/17 Inspections – Information Commissioner’s Office.
The Audit and Risk Management Committee was apprised that information on the current status of outstanding audit recommendations appended at Appendix 1 to the report, and that ICT Business Continuity and Data Loss Prevention would form the basis of a verbal report of the Head of Digital (SIRO) later in the meeting (see minute 43, post).
Members questioned the Assistant Director: Finance (S151) on a number of points relating to the Council’s administration of the staff appraisals process. It was noted that there had been improvements in the number of appraisals undertaken and that although mandatory training on the procedures had only recently been established, management was confident that the targets would be achieved by the end of March 2017.
Resolved – That the report be noted.