Issue - meetings

Liverpool City Region Combined Authority - Overview & Scrutiny Committee Update

Meeting: 19/09/2017 - Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 22)

22 Liverpool City Region Combined Authority - Overview & Scrutiny Committee Update pdf icon PDF 112 KB


The Chair introduced a report which gave an overview of the work of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Overview & Scrutiny Committee. The report gave details of appointments to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for 2017/18 and of the scrutiny induction day held on 19 July and a summary of the key actions / outcomes from the meeting on 26 July.


The Chair informed the Committee that Councillor Anita Leech, had resigned from the LCR Scrutiny Committee and that she would be replaced by Councillor Gillian Wood, subject to the matter being reported to Council.


The Chair reported that the Metro Mayor, Steve Rotheram had been to the first meeting of the LCR Scrutiny Committee since his election and it was his intention to attend every meeting. The Committee had agreed a work programme which included a first piece of work around spatial development for an LCR approach to brownfield sites and greenbelt, this would not diminish in any way what each Council and Planning Committee did in each of the constituent authorities. The Scrutiny Committee of 20 Members would be split into two to undertake other pieces of scrutiny work including, Welfare Reform and Universal Credit and Air Quality Control.


Mike Lester, the Scrutiny Officer, confirmed that all final scrutiny reports would be circulated to this Committee’s Members.


During this item, Councillor Warren Ward declared a personal interest by virtue of his partner working for the Department for Work and Pensions.


Resolved – That the report be noted.