Issue - meetings
Highway Structural Maintenance Programme
Meeting: 26/03/2018 - Cabinet (Item 103)
103 Highway Structural Maintenance Programme 2018/19 PDF 133 KB
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Councillor Stuart Whittingham, Highways and Transport said: “The quality of roads and highways is a big priority for residents, which of course puts it at the top of our agenda, too. Wirral residents expect to travel on a transport network which is safe, efficient and of a high quality. I believe that is exactly what we deliver and I am delighted that we are now in a position to go even further. Wirral has been awarded £2,625,000 to ensure our transport infrastructure is fit for the future – improving our roads and making sure Wirral residents benefit from a first rate highway network. |
This investment will help bring about further growth in our economy and ensure road users across Wirral continue to experience efficient and safer journeys on our networks”.
Councillor Stuart Whittingham reported that on 2February 2018, the Liverpool City Region (LCR) Combined Authority had agreed to award £2,625,000 of Highways Maintenance Funding to Wirral Council to support investment in its highways assets. The report sought the Cabinet’s approval to accept the £2,625,000 and allocate it between the Bridges and Roads/Footway elements of the network. The report also requested approval of the detailed Highway Structural Maintenance Programme for 2018/19.
The report informed that the funding would support the delivery of the Connecting Wirral Transport Strategy and the Wirral Plan pledge to provide transport and technology infrastructure fit for the future, and would ensure that Wirral had safe, affordable, well maintained and efficient transport networks for residents to access community services, enjoy leisure facilities and commute to work.
The maintenance of highways was a statutory duty for the Council under the Highways Act 1980 (as amended).
This was a key decision and all wards were affected.
(1) the acceptance of £2,625,000 of Highway Maintenance Funding for 2018/19, awarded by the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority at its meeting of 2 February 2018 be agreed;
(2) the proposed allocation of the Highway Maintenance Funding 2018/19 between Bridges and Roads/Footways be agreed;
(3) the detailed Highway Structural Maintenance Programme for 2018/19 outlined in Appendix 1 to the report be approved; and
(4) the Strategic Commissioner for Environment, in conjunction with the Member for Highways and Transport, be authorised to make necessary adjustments to the Highways Structural Maintenance Programme should the need arise due to financial, asset condition or other factors.