Issue - meetings


Meeting: 31/01/2018 - Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 45)


Additional documents:


The Strategic Commissioner for Environment provided a report presenting the annual update on climate change action in Wirral.  Wirral Council is a signatory to the Local Government Association’s ‘Climate Local’ initiative and is duly committed to identify actions on climate change and to the public reporting of progress with respect to such actions.  The Cabinet had requested that annual reports be made on climate change.


The report and a supporting presentation made to the Committee introduced and provided updates on –

·  the function and activities of the Wirral Climate Change Group;

·  the latest ‘Cool Steps’ report detailing recent progress of the Council endorsed Climate Change Strategy 2014-19;

·  the most recent version of the ‘rolling’ action plan developed to help implement the Strategy; and

·  an overview of progress made over the first three years of the five year strategy period.


Members thanked Officers for a thorough and interesting presentation, making comments and seeking clarification on a number of issues raised.


In response to a query as to linkage between ‘Better Food Wirral’ referenced in the report, and the Eat Well Wirral initiative, it was advised that Better Food Wirral sought to build networks around food producers and others with an interest in food and to promote local businesses.  Reference was made to the activities targeted at reducing meat consumption, and initiatives such as ‘meat free Mondays’ were suggested; Officers indicated that this would be referred to Public Health colleagues.  A Member suggested that people were pressured through advertising to use supermarkets, though these shops tended to use more excessive packaging than local suppliers.  Members were reminded that a report on single use plastic policy, which might pick up this issue alongside fill up water bottle provision and related infrastructure, was due for submission to the next meeting of the Committee.


Members noted the success of the eco-schools in the Borough, including increased recycling, and queried whether work was being undertaken with parents, for example in reducing packaging in packed lunches, and travel to school.  It was acknowledged that influencing parents through school activity was important, particularly around walking to school.


Members noted the need to get more done on recycling, particularly as this was an area of council responsibility.  Officers noted that recycling performance was plateauing and acknowledged more work needed to be done in this area.


Progress within the strategy action plan was noted and welcomed by Members, but given the passing of time it was suggested that big actions were now needed.  It was suggested that all major decisions should have climate change issues as a consideration, for example considering the ‘green’ credentials of any contractor.  A Member referenced the experience of a local organisation moving to the local supply of fresh food as one which had several positive benefits.


A Member suggested that the number of initiatives linked to climate change might risk the core message of the need to reduce carbon emissions arising from use of fossil fuels for energy and transport getting lost.  It was suggested  ...  view the full minutes text for item 45