Issue - meetings

Adult Care and Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Work Programme Update Report

Meeting: 27/06/2018 - Adult Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 10)

10 Adult Care and Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Work Programme Update pdf icon PDF 103 KB

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The Chair introduced her report considering the work programme for the Adult Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee that should align with the corporate priorities of the Council, in particular the delivery of the Wirral Plan pledges which are within the remit of the Committee, and reflect the health scrutiny functions delegated to the Committee.


Members noted those matters considered within this meeting of the Committee and agreed for future consideration –

·  Urgent Care Review – consideration of the consultation document (minute 7 refers);

·  Urgent Care Review – report from the Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) on Healthy Wirral and related matters (Minute 7 refers);

·  Continuing Healthcare Review – demonstration and assurance from the CCG relating to the Dynamic Purchasing System (Minute 9 refers);

·  Continuing Healthcare Review – As the All-age Disability Strategy develops, this Committee consider the exploration of the experience of young people moving into adulthood as a future review (Minute 9 refers); and

·  Continuing Healthcare Review – the CCG action plan to be submitted for consideration by this Committee and to receive a six monthly update thereafter (Minute 9 refers).


Further to the proposed item relating to the Seacombe Birthing Centre scheduled currently for the September meeting of the Committee, Mr Banks, Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group, suggested that the presentation might best be provided by the Hospital Foundation Trust / Birthing Centre Management Team as service provider.  The Chair further suggested that Members might like to hear from a service user at the Centre to gain an understanding of their experience.  Mr Banks undertook to co-ordinate the suggested presentation of the item.




(1)  the proposed Adult Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee work programme for 2018/19, to be amended with the inclusion of the above matters considered at this meeting, be approved;


(2)  a dedicated work programme planning session be convened for the Chair, Vice-Chair and Party Spokespersons to give further detailed consideration to the Committee work programme prior to the next scheduled meeting of the Committee.