Issue - meetings


Meeting: 26/09/2018 - Constituency Committee - Wallasey (Item 13)



The Constituency Manager introduced the report of the Director of Strategy and Partnerships that provided an update on Wallasey Constituency Committee Problem Solving Fund spend.  The Problem solving Fund was set aside by the Committee for low spend items that will provide a quick response to issues and/or allow a new approach to be tested that may ultimately lead to improvements within the Constituency.


The report informed that since the last meeting a spend of £423.07 had been agreed by the Chair for the purchase and installation of a double litter bin on the Leasowe/Moreton Circular Trail.  Following the installation of a new pathway, the footfall at the location had increased significantly.  There was no bin provision at the site and a litter-pick had seen fifty bags of rubbish removed.  A spend of £499.00 had been agreed by the Chair as payment to The Voice of Egremont to buy equipment to enable the new group to set up and undertake environmental activity in their local area to tackle pressing quality of life issues. The area required immediate attention to prevent an escalation of issues with anti-social behaviour, dog fouling, fly-tipping, etc. over the summer.  The group had no current funding and could not access other funding in the short-term to address the issues.


The Constituency Manager informed that a balance of £7,368.78 remained in the Problem Solving Fund. By way of example and to help members identify other potential areas of spend, the Constituency Manager circulated a list of spend of £500. 00 or less that had been previously authorised by the Chair.  These included;


·  Cleaning high level interior windows and directional signage

·  CCTV signage to assist local traders tackle crime

·  Dropped kerb to facilitate access to a service for people with disabilities

·  Exterior lighting to a building to enable operation during large scale events

·  Cleansing and gardening equipment for a new group unable to access funding

·  Mobile wheeled library shelving to enable better use of the space

·  Payment to a group whose funding had been lost to ensure continuation of service

·  Road safety measure at a school

·  Safety railings outside a community centre.


The Chair advised that anyone who had any items requiring funding they should speak to the Constituency Manager in the first instance and this would be passed on to the Chair for a formal request.


Councillor Bruce Berry raised the issue of dropped kerb facilities in the Moreton area. He had spoken to Mark Smith, (Interim Director Highways & Streetscene) who would support this but he did not know the costs.  Councillor Berry therefore asked if an estimate could be obtained.  Councillor Chris Jones indicated that she had requested a bin in Poulton Road, Wallasey but to date this had not been provided and she further requested dropped kerb facilities in the area and asked the Constituency Manager to let her know the costs involved.  The Constituency Manager indicated that the Members should let her know the locations relating to these requests.


Resolved – That  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13