Issue - meetings

Wirral South Priority Update

Meeting: 04/10/2018 - Constituency Committee - Wirral South (Item 7)

7 Wirral South Priority Update pdf icon PDF 186 KB

Constituency Manager – Fergus Adams



Councillor K Hodson left the meeting at this point


A Report by the Director for Health and Wellbeing provided Members with an update on the Constituency Committee’s priorities for 2018/19. Members heard how the work of Wirral South Constituency Committee contributes to a range of Wirral Plan 2020 pledges and neighbourhood working is key to delivery of the plan.


A table was provided to Members outlining the current budget picture for the Wirral South Constituency Committee and Members were informed that progress is being made to spend against all budget lines


The Constituency Manager drew Members attention to paragraphs 3.2 – 3.6 of the report set out into the following headings:


·  Social Isolation

·  Gaps in Youth Provision

·  Improved Open Spaces

·  Wirral South Clean up Funding

·  Remaining Anti-Social Behaviour Funding


The recommendations to the report were set out on page 17 of the agenda pack and were resolved as follows:


Recommendation One


Resolved (11:0) That the Committee Allocates £15,000 to the ‘Connecting Wirral South – Social Isolation Fund’


Recommendation Two


Resolved (11:0) – That the process begins to re-commission the Wirral South Youth Counselling Service to ensure the service continues at the end of the current service level agreement period, ending on 30 April 2019.


Recommendation Three


Resolved (11:0) That the Committee agrees to allocate the Improved Open Spaces funding of £15,000 to the ward, of Clatterbridge for 2018/19, specifically supporting the recreation area known locally as “ The Chase”


Recommendation Four


Resolved (11:0) – That the Committee allocate the indicative amounts of £6,000 towards six Environmental Action Days across the Constituency and £12,800 towards the Wirral South Love Where you Live small grants fund.


Recommendation Five


Resolved (11:0) That the Committee allocated £5,000 to complete the Love Where you Live Dog Fouling initiative.


Recommendation Six


Resolved (11:0) That the Committee spends the remaining £1, 100 anti-social behaviour funding on diversionary activities during “ Mischief/ Bonfire” period at the end of October/ beginning of November 2018 and the funding should be administered via the longstanding, multi – agency Operation Banger meetings, led by Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service and Merseyside Police.


Following the approval of recommendations, Councillor Gilchrist moved a recommendation, seconded by Councillor C Muspratt and it was:


Resolved - That Cabinet be requested to ensure that this and other Constituency Committees are given an operational budget for the next financial year to continue work at this level.”


Councillor C Carubia then made a suggestion that the order of the agenda be amended for future meetings so that public questions appear at the beginning of the agenda so that members of the public do not have to wait any longer than necessary.


On a motion by Councillor C Carubia and seconded by Councillor J Bird it was:


Resolved – That the order of the agenda be amended in future meetings so that public questions are at the beginning of the meeting