Issue - meetings

2019/20 Quarter 1 Wirral Plan Performance

Meeting: 25/09/2019 - Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 12)

12 2019/20 Quarter 1 Wirral Plan Performance including Update Journey and Domestic Abuse pdf icon PDF 107 KB

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Wirral Plan Performance

The Corporate Director for Children Services presented the report which provided the 2019/20 Quarter 1 (April - June 2019) performance report for the Wirral Plan pledges under the remit of the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Members asked questions about specific parts of the report, including an update on the school attendance procedures where the services had undergone a restructure. Attendance would be dealt with as an issue for the child’s family, with police, social workers and health professionals involved if necessary.


The Ofsted inspection in June had taken Children’s Services out of the category of ‘inadequate’ and it was now rated as ‘required improvement to be good’ with ‘good’ leadership. The services were now more self-aware, and more children benefitted from intervention at an earlier age, which should help reduce assistance later in life, breaking the cycle of need. Improvements were still planned and worked toward. There would be additional visits by Ofsted, assistance from a supporting authority and themed inspections.


Members questioned the culture of the service and how it managed with restrictions in funding and workforce.


Domestic abuse

The Lead Commissioner Community Services & Resilienceupdated Members on the Council’s plans to tackle domestic abuse. There had been a five-year pledge of zero tolerance which was considered to have increased reporting and confidence, and there was a commitment to have a new strategy beyond 2020, which would include a ‘victim’s voice’ aspect. Police data was presented and discussed, including support for child witnesses and gender equality in publicity.




That the 2019/2020 quarter 1 Wirral Plan performance report be noted.