Issue - meetings


Meeting: 03/12/2020 - Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee (Item 17)


Additional documents:


Simon Fox, Assistant Director for Highways and Infrastructure,introduced a report from the Director of Neighbourhood Services on the Network Management Plan (NMP) and sought approval to appoint a statutory Traffic Manager. The NMP outlined the Council’s approach to the network management duty placed upon it by the Traffic Management Act 2004. The plan reflected updates to the local network arrangements, changes in national and local priorities as well as legislative changes.


The Chair thanked Simon Fox and all the officers involved for the report and commended the references to sustainability and air quality.


Members acknowledged it was a comprehensive report and commended officers for achieving level 3 funding based on how well the Local Authority looks after the Network as part of the devolved City Region. Members asked that reference to electric vehicle charging points, bike hire schemes, car sharing schemes, and provisions for pedestrians be added which Simon Fox agreed could be considered and built into the plan. It was requested that ‘may’ be changed to ‘will’ in point 10 regarding the Environment and Climate implications which it was agreed would be the case for future reports as well. Concerns were raised about potential congestion and pollution from freight routes following Brexit and it was agreed that this would be investigated further. It was asked that hyperlinks be inserted when reference to other documents and it was agreed these would be added to the final version.


On a motion by the Chair, seconded by Councillor Steve Foulkes, it was -


Resolved – That


(1)  the report be noted and the Council’s approach to its Network Management duty be endorsed;

(2)  the draft Wirral Network Management Plan (NMP) be approved and the Director of Neighbourhood Services be authorised to finalise any further minor changes in consultation with the Chair and Spokespersons of the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee;

(3)  it be noted that the post of Senior Network Manager, Highways & Infrastructure, performs the role of Traffic Manager for Wirral Council under the Traffic Management Act, 2004.