Issue - meetings

Appointment of Strategic Applications Sub-Committee

Meeting: 08/06/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 8)

8 Appointment of Members to Strategic Applications Sub-Committee pdf icon PDF 211 KB

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A report by the Director of Law and Governance recommended that the Planning Committee establish a Strategic Applications Sub Committee with the Terms of Reference as set out within the report.


It was reported that the Constitution, as approved by Council, required the establishment of the Strategic Applications Sub-Committee.  The members of the Sub-Committee may comprise between 6 and 9 members of the Planning Committee, politically balanced.


On a motion by the Chair and seconded by Councillor S Powell Wilde it was -


Resolved (unanimously) that –


(1)  the Terms of Reference of the Strategic Applications Sub-Committee, as referred to in paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2 of the report, be noted.


(2)  the size of the Strategic Applications Sub-Committee, having regard to the options referred to at paragraph 5.3 of the report be set at 7 members of the Planning Committee with 3 Labour Members, 2 Conservative Members, 1 Green Member and 1 Liberal Democrat Member.


(3)  the Monitoring Officer be authorised as proper officer to carry out the wishes of the Group Leaders in allocating Members to membership and substitute membership of the Strategic Applications Sub-Committee and to appoint those Members with effect from the date at which the proper officer is advised of the names of such Members.