Issue - meetings

The Development of a Sport and Physical Activity Strategy for Wirral

Meeting: 23/11/2020 - Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee (Item 16)

16 The Development of a Sport and Physical Activity Strategy for Wirral pdf icon PDF 133 KB

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Andy McCartan, the Assistant Director for Leisure, Libraries and Customer Engagement introduced a report which was not only a leisure strategy considering facilities but aimed to tackle wider social issues such as obesity, inequality and engaging with the community.


The Strategy was not a statutory one but was seen as good practice, to guide external and internal partners. It noted an aging stock of facilities and social barriers to activity.


Members queried the application of the strategy including provision of outdoor gyms and maintenance of facilities.


Resolved: That

(1)   the new outline Sport and Physical Activity Strategy presented in this report and the accompanying appendix be noted and approved.

(2)   the Director of Neighbourhood Services be authorised to engage with residents, communities, and other stakeholders to design and deliver a fit-for-purpose and sustainable service that meets the differing needs of the communities within Wirral.

(3)   the strategy be included within the Committee’s ongoing work programme.