Issue - meetings

Proposals for Integrated Care Partnerships

Meeting: 07/06/2021 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee (Item 12)

12 Proposals for Integrated Care Partnerships pdf icon PDF 123 KB

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Graham Hodkinson, Director of Care and Health introduced the report which provided an update on the proposed strategic changes in the NHS and outlined the implications for the Council of such emerging arrangements.


It was reported that the Committee had received an update on the proposals for Integrated Care Partnerships at its last meeting following the publication of the government’s White Paper ‘Integration and innovation: working together to improve health and social care for all’, and since then the proposals had been included within the Queen’s Speech. The report set out the implications of the changes for the Local Authority, which would take the leadership role in the local ‘place’ making arrangements. The Integrated Care Partnership would be made up of Wirral Integrated Commissioning, Wirral Provider Collaborative and Place leadership, where the Health and Wellbeing Board would play a critical role in driving local arrangements.


A discussion ensued on where commissioning of services would sit within the system, where it was reported that early indications were that the majority of commissioning would be done at ‘Place’ level.


Resolved – That


1)  the Queen’s Speech announcing the forthcoming Health and Care Bill, intended to make it easier for different parts of the health and care system to work together and to support place-based joint working between the NHS, local government, community health services, and other partners be noted.

2)  the Local Government Association’s efforts to secure with Government their commitment that existing local partnerships and democratic structures should be based on local government place be supported, and the importance of the Council’s role as that place-level leader be recognised.

3)  the Health and Wellbeing Board’s role in leading the development of place based partnership necessary to deliver improved outcomes in population health and tackling health inequality and notes the progress currently being made be endorsed.