Issue - meetings
Wirral Waters Enterprise Zone Investment Fund
Meeting: 17/03/2021 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 93)
93 Wirral Waters Enterprise Zone Investment Fund - Egerton Village PDF 83 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1: Minute Extract, item 93 PDF 57 KB
- Appendix 2: Wirral Waters Enterprise Zone Investment Fund ERDC 04.03.21, item 93 PDF 105 KB
- Webcast for Wirral Waters Enterprise Zone Investment Fund - Egerton Village
Councillor Anita Leech, as Chair of the Economy, Regeneration and Development Committee, introduced a report on that Committee’s recommendations, from its meeting on 4 March, in respect to Wirral Waters Enterprise Zone Investment Fund - Egerton Village. The report recommended the approval of a grant from the Wirral Waters Investment Fund to Peel Land and Property Investments (Intermediate) Limited to support the development of new high quality mixed use floorspace at Egerton Village. The report also sought authorisation for the Director of Law and Governance, in consultation with the Director of Regeneration and Place to draw up and sign a conditional legal agreement between the Council and Peel Land and Property (Intermediate) Limited to reflect the grant arrangements.
On a motion by Councillor Anita Leech, seconded by Councillor Janette Williamson, it was –
Resolved – That,
(1) a grant from the Wirral Waters Investment Fund to Peel Land and Property Investments (Intermediate) Limited to support the development of new high quality mixed use floorspace at Egerton Village, be approved; and
(2) the Director of Law and Governance, in consultation with the Director of Regeneration and Place, be authorised to draw up and sign a conditional legal agreement between the Council and Peel Land and Property (Intermediate) Limited to reflect the grant arrangements.
Meeting: 17/03/2021 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 102)
Wirral Waters Enterprise Zone Investment Fund - Egerton Village exempt appendices
Exempt appendices to Agenda Item 19: Wirral Waters Enterprise Zone Investment Fund, Egerton Village
Additional documents:
- Restricted enclosure 7 , View reasons restricted (102/2)
- Webcast for Wirral Waters Enterprise Zone Investment Fund - Egerton Village exempt appendices
Resolved – That the exempt appendix to the Wirral Waters Enterprise Zone Investment Fund – Egerton Village report, be noted.
Meeting: 04/03/2021 - Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee (Item 37)
37 Wirral Waters Enterprise Zone Investment Fund - Egerton Village PDF 105 KB
Additional documents:
The report of the Director of Regeneration and Place sought approval to provide a grant to Peel Land and Property Investments (Intermediate) Limited to enable the delivery of new high quality mixed use floorspace at Egerton Village within Wirral Waters. Egerton Village would be a new, low carbon 14,671 sq ft gateway community, amenity and arts facility located in the Four Bridges area of Wirral Waters, and would provide a focal point for arrival and orientation around Wirral Waters. The development had been designed to create a new semi-public, semi-covered ‘square’ at its heart that would be used for events and other activities.
That Policy and Resources Committee be requested to approve the following recommendations:
(1) A grant from the Wirral Waters Investment Fund to Peel Land and Property Investments (Intermediate) Limited be approved to support the development of new high quality mixed use floorspace at Egerton Village.
(2) The Director of Law and Governance, in consultation with the Director of Regeneration and Place, be authorised to draw up and sign a conditional legal agreement between the Council and Peel Land and Property (Intermediate) Limited to reflect the grant arrangements.