Issue - meetings
Future High Street Fund
Meeting: 17/03/2021 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 90)
90 Future High Street Fund PDF 85 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1: Minute Extract, item 90 PDF 53 KB
- Appendix 2: Future High Street Fund ER&D Commitee 04.03.21 (Final), item 90 PDF 130 KB
- Webcast for Future High Street Fund
Councillor Anita Leech, as Chair of the Economy, Regeneration and Development Committee, introduced a report on that Committee’s recommendations, from its meeting on 4 March, in respect to the Town / High Street Fund: Future High Streets Fund. The report recommended authorisation being given to the Director of Regeneration and Place to consider and approve final signoff of the Future High Street Fund grant funding agreements for Birkenhead and New Ferry, in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance. Also, to authorise the Director of Regeneration and Place to commence delivery of the Birkenhead and New Ferry Future High Street Fund programmes in line with the grant funding agreement and change control process.
Members expressed their support for the proposals and the enthusiasm with which all the staff concerned were dealing with these regeneration initiatives.
On a motion by Councillor Janette Williamson, seconded by Councillor Anita Leech, it was -
Resolved – That,
(1) the content of the report and the announcement from Government regarding the Future High Street Fund award in relation to Birkenhead and the in-principle award in relation to New Ferry, be noted;
(2) a re-profiled application was submitted to Government on 3 February 2021 in respect of the New Ferry Future High Street Fund in-principle award, be noted;
(3) the Director of Regeneration and Place be authorised to consider and approve final signoff of the Future High Street Fund grant funding agreements for Birkenhead and New Ferry, in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance;
(4) the Director of Regeneration and Place be authorised to commence delivery of the Birkenhead and New Ferry Future High Street Fund programmes in line with the grant funding agreement and change control process;
(5) the Director of Regeneration and Place be authorised to progress with scoping out a design, costed model and fit out of the current preferred option for the temporary market, namely Unit 2 St Werburgh’s Square and St Werburgh’s Square itself, that will be used as a temporary holding position while the current Birkenhead Market site be made available for redevelopment; and
(6) it be noted that a further report will be brought forward to members for approval of the finalised proposal for the temporary market.
Meeting: 04/03/2021 - Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee (Item 29)
29 Future High Street Fund PDF 130 KB
Additional documents:
The report of the Director of Regeneration and Place set out that in December 2020, the Council received notification of the outcome of two submissions it had made to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government Future High Street Fund. Birkenhead had received its full requested allocation of £24.6m and New Ferry was offered an in-principle award of £3.2m from its requested value of £4.6m, subject to an updated proposal to reflect the lower funding offer. The report set out the next steps for both areas, including more detailed information regarding a temporary solution for Birkenhead Market, as well as the process to reprofile and resubmit the New Ferry proposal.
Sally Shah, Chief Regeneration Officer, presented the report and answered Members questions, which mainly concerned the moving of Birkenhead Market and wanting the development of New Ferry to move forward as quickly as possible.
RESOLVED - That Policy and Resources Committee be requested to approve the following recommendations:
(1) Note the content of the report and the announcement from Government regarding the Future High Street Fund award in relation to Birkenhead and the in-principle award in relation to New Ferry.
(2) Note that a re-profiled application was submitted to Government on 3 February 2021 in respect of the New Ferry Future High Street Fund in-principle award.
(3) Authorise the Director of Regeneration and Place to consider and approve final sign off of the Future High Street Fund grant funding agreements for Birkenhead and New Ferry, in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance.
(4) Authorise the Director of Regeneration and Place to commence delivery of the Birkenhead and New Ferry Future High Street Fund programmes in line with the grant funding agreement and change control process.
(5) Authorise the Director of Regeneration and Place to progress with scoping out a design, costed model and fit out of the current preferred option for the temporary market, namely Unit 2 St Werburghs Square and St Werburghs Square itself, that will be used as a temporary holding position while the current Birkenhead Market site be made available for re-- development.
(6) Note that a further report will be brought forward to Members for approval of the finalised proposal for the temporary market.