Issue - meetings

2020/21 Revenue Budget Monitoring Q3

Meeting: 03/03/2021 - Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee (Item 38)

38 2020/21 Revenue Budget Monitoring Q3 pdf icon PDF 104 KB

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This report by the Director of Neighbourhoods provided a summary of the projected year-end revenue and capital position for Tourism, Communities, Culture and Leisure Committee as at the end of Quarter 3 (December 2020) of the 2020/21 financial year. The Council’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic presented financial risk due to uncertainty and fluidity in the external environment. The overall financial position for the Council remained challenging, and a number of actions were in progress to mitigate the overall forecast position presented at quarter 3, including limiting spending to essential areas of service delivery only, with Corporate Directors supported to mitigate the risk of overspending.


The Chair proposed for future reports to include line by line accounting of what falls under each headline. This was seconded by Cllr Cherry Povall and was subsequently agreed by assent.



(1)  the adverse year-end forecast position presented at Quarter 3 of £9.662m be noted.

(2)  the impact of funding and expenditure as a direct consequence of Covid-19, including the additional funding sources which have been identified, but as yet, not received be noted.

(3)  the year-end forecast capital position for Tourism, Communities, Culture and Leisure Committee presented at Quarter 3 be noted.

(4)  the Committee’s budget headlines be defined and brought to the June committee meeting.