Issue - meetings


Meeting: 02/03/2021 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee (Item 41)


Additional documents:


Simon Garner, Health and Care Lead Commissioner, introduced the report of the Director of Care and Health, which set out the standards and design requirements to provide appropriate Extra Care Housing schemes in Wirral that will support Wirral residents with eligible needs.


The report detailed the need for additional units of Extra Care Housing within the borough with the Strategic Housing Market Analysis identifying a need for 2,985 further units up to the period of 2035, as well as the commitments to further developments of extra care housing outlined in the Wirral 2020 Plan. The report outlined how having a model which sets out the Council’s expectation to developers and care providers would contribute to the quality of those forthcoming developments.


The need for further sites within the Borough was discussed and the benefits of identifying future potential sites in advance were reinforced. Members were informed that close working arrangements were in place between colleagues in Adult Social Care and Regeneration to help identify potential sites for Extra Care Housing.


The Committee was further kept apprised of how it would be ensured that the model would be adhered to, with care providers commissioned in accordance with the Care and Support framework and the requirement to be registered with the Care Quality Commission. A joined-up approach was taken across the Council to consider developments and manage them going forward, which included contributions from Revenue and Benefits, Housing, Care and Social Work.


Members emphasised the importance of the location of Extra Care Housing to ensure residents could remain in their communities and welcomed the approach of having community and family facilities integrated within extra care sites.


Resolved – That the Extra Care Housing Model be agreed.