Issue - meetings

Proposal to Acquire Units for Affordable Housing Use

Meeting: 24/03/2021 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 110)

110 Proposal to Acquire Units for Affordable Housing Use pdf icon PDF 84 KB

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Councillor Julie McManus, as Chair of the Housing Committee, introduced a report on that Committee’s recommendations in respect of increasing the number of homes in Wirral’s social housing sector, through the use of existing resources available from:


·  commuted sums for affordable housing secured through the planning system;

·  adaptations Budget passported through the Better Care Fund; and

·  potentially also securing funding from Homes England from the Government’s Affordable Housing Programme.


Members welcomed the report and in response to a Member’s comment Councillor Julie McManus stated that there was no need to open a Housing Revenue Account, as with the current 28 properties the Council had, an additional six would not take the Council above the 199 limit, which the Council was allowed.


Alan Evans, Director of Regeneration and Place confirmed the threshold in respect of the Housing Revenue Account and that the associated costs would not be triggered. The Housing Committee work programme did include the issue of the Housing Revenue Account and that Committee would also be looking at future management options of the Council’s other homes, currently managed by Magenta until September, 2021, along with the use of future S106 monies, income which was ringfenced for affordable housing in the Borough.


Philip McCourt, Director of Law and Governance, in response to a Member’s question, commented upon the delicate balance to be struck by the Chair in controlling the debate and questions asked during the meeting on reports before the Committee.


On a motion by the Chair, seconded by Councillor Jeff Green, it was -


Resolved – That,


(1)  the Director of Law and Governance, in consultation with the Director of Regeneration and Place, be authorised to negotiate the acquisition of six new social rented housing properties from Lovell Partnerships Ltd and to finalise all necessary associated legal documentation; and


(2)  the Director of Regeneration and Place be authorised to enter into negotiations with Lovell Partnerships Ltd to negotiate an enhanced energy efficiency specification which may include the installation of solar photovoltaics for such properties.