Issue - meetings

Discharge to Assess (D2A) and Reablement Services'

Meeting: 07/06/2021 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee (Item 9)

9 Discharge to Assess (D2A) and Reablement Services' pdf icon PDF 137 KB

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Jason Oxley, Assistant Director for Care, Health and Commissioning for People introduced the report of the Director of Care and Health, which outlined a proposal to transfer the Discharge to Assess bed-based service provision from the current range of services in the independent care home sector, to a single site service operated by the NHS.


The Committee was advised that Discharge to Assess was a pathway model for people who were clinically ready for discharge from hospital and who no longer required an acute hospital bed, but who may still require care services including short-term, funded support. The ethos was to discharge people to remain in their own home wherever possible. However, some people required a period of extended short-term support, assessment and therapy within a bed-based Discharge to Assess service before they could return to their home or to their onward care arrangements. The report outlined that a review had been undertaken of the average length of stay and future capacity and demand requirements, and it was felt that a single site offer operated by the NHS would be more effective and give greater opportunity for patients to return home sooner.


Members had concerns over the reduction in available beds as part of the proposals. The Assistant Director for Care, Health and Commissioning for People advised the Committee that 30 additional independent care home beds would be available for 6 months over the winter period to provide additional support during the transitional period, and that the commissioners had good monitoring of pressure triggers and would be responsive to any issues.


It was moved by Councillor Phil Gilchrist and seconded by Councillor Mary Jordan, that an addition to the recommendation contained in the report, be made as follows:


‘In the event of capacity stresses arising in the proposed arrangements, officers be requested to report back to the Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee to advise on the steps being taken to address this.’


The addition was agreed by assent, and it was therefore –


Resolved – That


1)  the current D2A independent care home contracts held by the Council due to expire on 30 September 2021 be supported.

2)  the progression of proposals for D2A bed-based services to be commissioned by the NHS as a single site NHS offer from 1 September 2021 be supported.

3)  the proposal for up to an additional 30 community independent care home beds to be commissioned for a period of 6 months (ending on 31 March 2022) to support the transition from the current model and to support with the additional demand on the care and health system expected due to winter pressures be supported.

4)  a further report be presented to a future Committee with detail of the D2A service arrangements.

5)  In the event of capacity stresses arising in the proposed arrangements, officers be requested to report back to the Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee to advise on the steps being taken to address this.