Issue - meetings


Meeting: 15/06/2021 - Children, Young People & Education Committee (Item 12)

12 Capital and Revenue Budget Monitoring Quarter 4 (April - March 2021) pdf icon PDF 129 KB

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Steven Prytherch, Senior Finance Business Partner, introduced the report of the Director of Children, Families and Education which set out the budget performance for Children, Young People and Education and the projected year-end revenue position as reported at Q4 2020/21, which was reported as a favourable position of £1.476m and a favourable capital position of £2.8m.


The report detailed the reasons for the position, where it was outlined that the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic had resulted in one-off actions and funding which had positively impacted on the position. It was further reported that within the Dedicated Schools Grant there was an adverse variance in the High Needs Block of £1.373m due to additional demand in both volume and complexity, but that the favourable position in the early years budget due to reduction in attendance had offset the shortfall in the Dedicated Schools Block. The report further detailed the favourable position in the Capital Budget, where it was explained that it was due to a delay in school improvements due to Covid-19 and the underspend would be rolled over into the next financial year when work could proceed.


Members considered the various underspends and overspends within the overall budget. It was acknowledged that some of the underspends were due to the humanitarian efforts to support families during the pandemic which it was felt highlighted the importance and positive outcomes of a preventative approach.


Resolved – That the projected year-end revenue forecast position of £1.476m favourable and the capital position of £2.8m favourable, as reported at quarter 4 (April-March) of 2020-21 be noted.