Issue - meetings

Children, Young People and Education Committee Work Programme

Meeting: 13/09/2021 - Children Young People and Education Committee (Item 30)

30 Children, Young People and Education Committee Work Programme pdf icon PDF 82 KB

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Vicki Shaw, Head of Legal Services introduced the report of the Director of Law and Governance, which provided the Committee with an opportunity to plan and regularly review its work across the municipal year.


It was proposed that the item in relation to learning from Covid could be embedded into the reports for other issues as part of a working agenda, but members felt that it warranted a specific discussion. It was proposed that the Child Poverty Strategy should be timetabled in and the Director of Children, Families and Education undertook to consider the timescales and review the overall timetable of items. It was further proposed that the SEND Strategy Update be brought to the next meeting and that the Pupil Place Planning Strategy be added to the work programme.


The recommendations within the report with the inclusion of the proposals suggested by the Committee were moved by Councillor Wendy Clements, seconded by Councillor Chris Carubia. It was therefore –


Resolved – That


(1)  the report be noted.

(2)  the Child Poverty Strategy be scheduled in for consideration at a future meeting.

(3)  the SEND Strategy Update be presented to the next scheduled meeting.

(4)  Pupil Place Planning Strategy be added to the work programme.