Issue - meetings


Meeting: 29/09/2021 - Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee (Item 31)


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Sally Shah, Assistant Director and Chief Regeneration Officer, introduced the report of the Director of Regeneration and Place which sought approval for officers to work with Sustrans, the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) and local stakeholders to co-develop and design a ‘Liveable Neighbourhood’ in Bebington, and to produce a business case which could be used to secure future funding to be used to deliver the required infrastructure. A Liveable Neighbourhood would prioritise people over cars and encourage active travel. Any permanent infrastructure proposals would be subject to a further report to Committee.


Members queried the selection of area and it was explained that the areas was selected based on numerous criteria such as car ownership and number of schools and also reflected issues raised by residents and members in recent years in relation to traffic speeds and rat running. 


Resolved – That

(1)  the Director of Regeneration and Place, in consultation with the Director of Neighbourhood Services, be authorised to work with Sustrans and local stakeholders, including schools and residents, to co-develop and design a Liveable Neighbourhood (incorporating a school neighbourhood cluster) in Bebington, and to produce a business case which could be used to secure future funding;

(2)  the Director of Regeneration and Place, in consultation with the Director of Neighbourhood Services, Chair and Spokespersons of the Economy, Regeneration and Development Committee and the Chair and Spokespersons of Environment, Transport and Climate Change Committee, be authorised to implement any temporary test/trial schemes which arise from the stakeholder co-development programme; and

(3)  a further report be brought forward to Members for approval of the business case, the submission of any funding application and installation of any permanent Liveable Neighbourhoods infrastructure.