Issue - meetings

Pooled Fund Arrangements

Meeting: 13/10/2021 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee (Item 55)

55 Pooled Fund Arrangements pdf icon PDF 90 KB

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The  Director of Care & Health introduced the report which detailed the proposed arrangements, key principles, content and value of the 2021/22 Section 75 pooled fund arrangements with Wirral NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), and sought the Committee’s approval of the arrangements for 2021/22 as well as delegated authority for the Director of Law and Governance in consultation with the Director of Care and Health to sign off the Section 75 Agreement for 2020/21. It was outlined that the key aim of the pooled fund was to ensure joint planning and delivery of services across care and health so that people experienced joined up services, the arrangements for which would be taken into the Integrated Care System.


Members welcomed the report and the additional funding into the fund from the CCG. Concerns were expressed at the prospect of increased costs associated with Covid-19 resulting in reduced spending in other services. 


Resolved – That


(1)  the continuation of the pooled fund arrangement between the Council and Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) for 2021/22 be approved.

(2)  the commissioning pool value of £235m for 2021/22 be agreed and the additional funding the CCG will contribute as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report be noted.

(3)  it be agreed that the key principles as set out in the pooled fund agreement 2020/2021 be incorporated into the pooled fund agreement 2021/22, including the risk share agreement.

(4)  it be noted that the shared risk arrangements are limited to the Better Care Fund (BCF) arrangements only, which is currently reporting a break-even position.

(5)  delegated authority be given to the Director of Law & Governance in consultation with the Director of Care & Health to enter into a s75 Agreement with Wirral CCG for 2021/22.

(6)  delegated authority be given to the Director of Law & Governance in consultation with the Director of Care & Health to sign off the s75 Agreement with Wirral CCG for 2020/21 in accordance with the terms agreed by the decision of the Cabinet Member - Adult Care, Health and Wellbeing made on 15 July 2020.