Issue - meetings
ECET Quarter 2 Monitoring
Meeting: 15/11/2021 - Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee (Item 52)
52 ECET Quarter 2 Monitoring PDF 131 KB
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The Senior Finance Business Partner presented the report of the Director of Neighbourhood Services which set out the financial monitoring information for the Committee as at quarter 2 (Apr – Sep) of 2021-22. The Committee was accountable for ensuring that the Committee budgets remained within the relevant envelope and would take collective responsibility via the Policy and Resources Committee to ensure that the whole Council budget remained in balance at all times, by agreeing mitigating actions to bring the budget back in line, should a deficit be forecast. There had been variances from the forecast, mainly due to parking charges not being implemented and increased demand for some services. Some capital schemes had been moved to this Committee too.
Members questioned the detail of the report and established that the car parking equipment had yet to be purchased and work was to commence consultation on some of the required Traffic Regulation Orders. This would involve comments from the consultation coming back to Committee before decision.
Resolved - That
(1) the projected year-end revenue forecast position of £0.552m adverse, as reported at quarter 2 (Apr – Sep) of 2021-22 be noted.
(2). progress on the achievement of approved savings and the projected year end forecast position at quarter 2 (Apr – Sep) of 2021-22 be noted.
(3). the reserves allocated to the Committee for future one-off commitments be noted.
(4). the projected year-end capital forecast position of £2.036m favourable, as reported at quarter 2 (Apr – Sep) of 2021-22 be noted.