Issue - meetings
Environment Committee Budget Report
Meeting: 15/11/2021 - Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee (Item 51)
51 Environment Committee Budget Report PDF 151 KB
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The Senior Finance Business Partner presented this report which noted the feedback and outcomes from the Budget Workshops for this Committee which had taken place in August and September 2021. The workshops had enabled officer and Member liaison on proposed budget options, to facilitate discussion and allow direction to be obtained on further analysis required. The Policy and Resources Committee, in consultation with the respective Policy and Service Committees, had been charged by Council to formulate a draft Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) and budget to recommend to the Council. The Budget Workshops considered whether the proposals included in the MTFP for the 2022/23 budget, and beyond, were to be taken forward or whether they were to be replaced by alternative proposals that the committees will recommend. No options had been rejected in the workshops.
Members noted that:
· The identified savings could be used as a baseline for the budget process
· More savings may be requested once the financial settlement from Government was known
· The report stated that there had been three workshops when there had been two, and some additional information requested at them could not yet be given.
· That future rewilding proposals would include consultation with local Members before implementation to address the emerging problem of encroachment onto residential areas
· No proposals had been either fully endorsed or rejected.
Resolved (7 for, none against, 4 abstentions)
That the Budget Workshop feedback and outcomes, as detailed in appendix 1, being reported to Policy and Resources Committee for consideration, be agreed.