Issue - meetings
Meeting: 06/12/2021 - Council (Item 67)
67 Appointment of Independent Members to the Audit and Risk Management Committee PDF 71 KB
The Council is recommended to appoint Joanne Byrne and Peter McAlister as Independent Members to the Audit and Risk and Management Committee in an advisory and consultative role (subject to this recommendation being agreed by the Committee).
A cover report and the report to be considered by the Audit and Risk Management Committee at its meeting on 30 November, 2021, are attached (minute to follow).
Additional documents:
- APPOINTMENT OF INDEPENDENT MEMBERS TO ARMC, 30/11/2021 Audit and Risk Management Committee, item 67 PDF 86 KB
- MINUTE EXTRACT- Appointment of Independent Members ARMC, item 67 PDF 45 KB
- Webcast for Appointment of Independent Members to the Audit and Risk Management Committee
The third item requiring approval was in relation to the appointment of two independent members to the Audit and Risk Management Committee.
On a motion by Councillor Kathy Hodson, seconded by Councillor Stuart Whittingham, it was -
Resolved (59:0) - That the recommendations contained within minute 31 of the Audit and Risk Management Committee of 30 November, 2021, be agreed in that Joanne Byrne and Peter McAlister be appointed as independent Members to the Audit and Risk Management Committee in an advisory and consultative non-voting role.
Meeting: 30/11/2021 - Audit and Risk Management Committee (Item 31)
Additional documents:
The Chief Internal Auditor presented his report which updated the Committee on the outcome of the recruitment exercise to appoint Independent Members to this Committee to comply with the terms of reference and CIPFA guidance.
Two individuals had been proposed for appointment rather than one as indicated in the Terms of Reference as they had different backgrounds but both were considered to have had valuable skills to bring.
Members requested that explicit written consent be requested from the individuals for their CVs to be shared with all Members to detail their background and help Members in the decision at full Council. This would be investigated by officers.
Resolved –
That full Council be recommended to appoint Joanne Byrne and Peter McAlister as independent Members to the Audit and Risk Management Committee in an advisory and consultative non-voting role.