Issue - meetings

Month 8 Revenue Budget Monitor 21-22

Meeting: 25/01/2022 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee (Item 83)


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The Director of Care and Health introduced the report which set out the financial monitoring information for the Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee and provided an overview of budget performance for this area of activity. The report also detailed the projected year-end revenue position, as reported at Month 8 (November) 2021/22, projected to be a £0.519m favourable position. The Director reported that progress had been made in delivering savings in 2021/22 due to the review of care packages. He also acknowledged the additional funding received from central government in terms of Covid grants and also from the NHS.


Resolved – That Committee notes:


(1)  the projected year-end revenue forecast position of £0.519m favourable, as reported at month 8 (November) of 2021/22;


(2)  the progress on the achievement of approved savings and the projected year end forecast position at month 8 (November) of 2021/22;


(3)  the reserves allocated to the Committee for future one-off commitments;


(4)  the projected year-end capital forecast position of £0.125m adverse, as reported at month 8 (November) of 2021/22;


(5)  the current activity profiles from 2018 to month 8 (November) of 2021/22.