Issue - meetings

Grassroots Football Development Report

Meeting: 08/03/2022 - Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee (Item 71)

71 Grassroots Football Development Report pdf icon PDF 109 KB

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The Assistant Director for Leisure, Libraries and Customer Engagement presented the report which provided Members with an update on Grassroots Football Development, specifically those which had taken place since the last report to Committee in November 2020.


Members were reminded that Wirral was an area of strategic focus for Cheshire Football Association (FA) and the Football Foundation, and that the programme of work supported recommendations made within the Wirral Plan, Wirral’s Local Football Facilities Plan and Wirral’s Playing Pitch Strategy.


Members queried the quality of older grass pitches and anti-social behaviour, and were assured that liaison work was being undertaken, as well as engagement with clubs and stakeholders. Officers did note the significant demand for pitches and also confirmed that potential sites had been identified and work was being undertaken on the viability of the sites. The Chair raised a query about defibrillators being placed in pavilions. The Modernisation Manager for Neighbourhoods advised that there was a specific fund facilitated by the FA as well as a location map for existing defibrillators. This was noted as a priority.


Resolved, that –


1. The progress made in the development of the Grassroots Football Programme be noted.


2. The ongoing development and management of the Grassroots Football Programme be supported.