Issue - meetings
Leisure and Libraries Consultation Outcomes
Meeting: 16/06/2022 - Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee (Item 9)
9 Leisure and Libraries Consultation Outcomes PDF 518 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1- Wirral Council Golf Consultation Report, item 9
PDF 571 KB
- appendix 2- Wirral Council Europa Consultation Report, item 9
PDF 544 KB
- Appendix 3- Wirral Council Tennis Consultation Report, item 9
PDF 566 KB
- Appendix 4- Wirral Council Woodchurch Consultation Report, item 9
PDF 675 KB
- Appendix 5- LTA Proposal, item 9
PDF 133 KB
- Appendix 6- Wirral Tennis Sports Centre Feasibility Study, item 9
- Appendix 7 - Library Strategy and New Operating Model (TCCL January 18th 2022), item 9
PDF 564 KB
- Appendix 8 - Wirral Libraries Consultation Report, item 9
- Webcast for Leisure and Libraries Consultation Outcomes
Members were informed that the consultation outcomes would contribute to the five thematic priorities within the Wirral Plan 2021-26 that focused on improving outcomes for whole population groups.
On 28 February 2022, Budget Council agreed a balanced budget for the 2022/23 financial year. The budget was predicated on assumptions that there would be cessation of services within the Neighbourhoods Directorate to generate savings and allow for the balanced budget to be achievable.
Public consultations on affected service changes and closures prior to the final decision by the Committee on what decisions to then take in the expenditure of their budget provision in exercise of their functions, were also agreed as follows:
· The Closure of the Fun (Leisure) Pool at Europa Pools and the development of a fitness facility
· The Closure of Woodchurch Leisure Centre
· The Closure (for a 12-month period) of Wirral Tennis & Sports Centre for redevelopment
· The closure of Brackenwood (18 Hole), Hoylake (18 hole), Wallasey Beach and Kings Parade (pitch n putt) golf courses
This public consultation exercise was opened on the Councils Have Your Say platform between 31st January 2022, and 27th March 2022.
Members were also informed that a separate consultation exercise was undertaken on the Council’s proposals for a new operating model for Library Services, including a number of library closures. This consultation ran for 8 weeks from 21 February to 18 April 2022.
Members then took park in a lengthy discussion on the consultation outcomes and discussed each recommendation individually. Concerns were raised around the inclusion of an option 3 which had been discounted by the Policy and Resources Committee. Also raised as a concern by Members was the budget decisions agreed by Council had been brought back Committee for discussion.
Also discussed was accessibility, safety and public transport options in accessing library provision.
Members considered the recommendations individually.
Resolved – Thatthe outcomes of all public consultation exercises for Leisure & Library Services as contained in the “Have Your Say” consultation reports at Appendix 1-4 (Leisure) and Appendix 8 (Libraries) be noted.
Recommendation 2 was moved by Councillor Helen Cameron, seconded by Councillor Mike Collins that the recommendations detailed within the report be agreed with subject to the inclusion of –
the implementation of Option 3, as amended and agreed by Council be approved as the new core operating model for Wirral’s Library Service with a detailed implementation plan to be presented back to a future meeting of this Committee in September 2022
It was then moved by Councillor Naomi Graham, seconded by Councillor Judith Grier, that the recommendations within the report be agreed, subject to ... view the full minutes text for item 9