Issue - meetings


Meeting: 25/07/2022 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee (Item 29)

Adult Social Care and Public Health Performance Report

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The Assistant Director of Care and Health introduced the report of the Director of Care and Health which provided a performance update in relation to Adult Social Care and Health. The report was designed based on discussions with Members through working group activity in 2020 and 2021.


Members attention was drawn to care home activity, there were 1681 people living in care homes. The highest category of care for people living in care homes was general residential care, the majority reason for moving into this area of care was dementia and a significant amount of support was offered to people with dementia although it was clarified not all people with dementia required the specialist Elderly Mentally Infirm (EMI) residential or nursing care. The report stated that there were 4 care homes closed due to COVID, since publication the figure had changed and there were now 15 care homes fully or partially closed to admissions as a result of COVID.


It was outlined that there were continued pressures on domiciliary care in terms of capacity, largely due to workforce recruitment and retention. This had impacted on packages of care for people waiting to be discharged from hospital or those in the community who required a new or changed package of care. The waiting list for a package of care was over 300 with an average of 70 packages picked up per week.


Members discussed the care homes with ratings of inadequate or requires improvement and felt a report should be brought to the committee to explore the work being done to reduce the number of care homes with these ratings.


On a motion by Councillor Nolan, seconded by Councillor Davies it was –


Resolved – That


(1)  the content of the report be noted.


(2)  a report on care home improvement be brought to a future Committee meeting.