Issue - meetings

Integrated Care System

Meeting: 25/07/2022 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee (Item 27)

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The Place Director (Wirral) introduced the report which gave Members an update on the development of the Integrated Care System (ICS), the impact on Wirral as a place and the establishment of the Integrated Care Board (ICB) working arrangements in the borough.


The Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee approved the creation of the Place Based Partnership Board on 3 March 2022. There was an informal workshop with members of the board on 25 July 2022 to set out next steps around establishing the board and to look at the supporting groups to ensure robust governance and assurance.


It was outlined that work was being undertaken with the Voluntary, Community and Faith sector around their representation as well as representatives from primary care. Future meetings of the Place Based Partnership were likely to have four primary care representatives as it would have a responsibility for community pharmacy, dentistry and optometry as well as general practice.


Members highlighted the difficulty of finding local dentistry practices that would take on new NHS patients. It was clarified the of the 40,000 registered dentists, only 20,000 work in the NHS and this was largely due to the way contracts had been structured. It was recognised that dental access was a significant issue to be tackled.


Assurance was given to members that a coherent workforce strategy was an objective of the Place Based Partnership Board, the Place Director noted that areas of the borough have low rates of employment and high numbers of young people not in employment, education or training and there was an opportunity to align to the Wirral plan and create careers and apprenticeships in the NHS.


Resolved – That the content of the report be noted.