Issue - meetings
Wirral Evolutions
Meeting: 25/07/2022 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee (Item 28)
28 Wirral Evolutions PDF 316 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Wirral Evolutions, item 28 PDF 91 KB
- Enc. 2 for Wirral Evolutions, item 28 PDF 136 KB
- Webcast for Wirral Evolutions
The Assistant Director of Care and Health introduced the report of the Director of Care and Health which updated members on the progress made with the transfer arrangements for Wirral Evolutions services into Wirral Borough Council direct delivery.
Following the decision made by the Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee on 3 March 2022, a project team was established to put in place the necessary governance arrangements and services were planned to be insourced within six months from the 1st April 2022. The transfer was expected to be completed on 27 September 2022.
It was outlined that to ensure a smooth transition for the service users, the service would continue to operate from the same locations and have the same staff and management team. There were 151 staff members who took part in a consultation led by Wirral Evolutions and supported by the Assistant Director of Care and Health, HR and the trade unions. Wirral Evolutions staff who chose to transfer would be protected under protection of employment (TUPE) transfer on no less favourable terms. Fixed term contracts had been extended and was an opportunity to establish those staff to permanent positions which had received a positive response.
The Assistant Director of Care and Health brought the Committees attention to pension arrangements and reported that at the point of transfer all staff would be automatically enrolled to the Local Government Pension Scheme which was more favourable than current arrangements.
Members recognised that some Wirral Evolutions staff has expressed interest in taking Early Voluntary Retirement (EVR), under TUPE, a job would be available for all staff and so if staff members chose not to transfer it would be considered a resignation and EVR would not apply. It was anticipated that the majority of staff would transfer with positive feedback from 1-1s. Any current vacancies in Wirral Evolutions would also transfer across and be recruited to.
Resolved – That the content of the report be noted.