Issue - meetings
Meeting: 11/10/2022 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee (Item 41)
41 Supported Independent Living Model PDF 330 KB
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The Head of Community Care Market Commission introduced the report of the Director of Care and Health which provided an update for Members on the work undertaken to develop a new model for Supported Independent Living in Wirral for Adults with Learning Disabilities, Autism and Mental Health needs. It was reported that colleagues across the Liverpool City Region had been working on developing a spectrum of accommodation which ranged from renting or owning homes to living in supported or specialist accommodation which looked to enable people to have their own front door and facilities.
A framework of providers had been established with 71 providers on that framework which meant that there was a broader range available for people to choose from when there was a complex case and this enabled officers to undertake effective future planning also. A care and accommodation panel had been established which looked to place people in existing accommodation and also identified unmet need where there is a requirement for more bespoke arrangements.
There were alternative services for young people in transition and officers were looking at accommodation with skills development to enable people to move on to employment.
In response to a query about engagement with the community and self-advocacy groups it was reported that the Council wanted to co-produce the schemes and had worked with a wide range of parents, carers and groups with some bespoke and some generic engagement and that part of the work of the Liverpool City Region group was to widen the co-production element and ensure peoples voices were heard.
Resolved – That the approach to developing the Supported Independent Living offer to people in Wirral with a learning disability, autism or mental health need be approved.