Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/10/2022 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee (Item 34)

Member Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to consider whether they have any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or any other relevant interest in connection with any item(s) on this agenda and, if so, to declare them and state the nature of the interest.

Additional documents:


Members were asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests and any other relevant interest and to state the nature of the interest.


The following declarations were made:


Mary Jordan

Personal interest by virtue of her employment in the NHS, her son’s employment in the NHS and her involvement as a trustee for ‘incubabies’.

Jason Walsh

Personal interest by virtue of a family member’s employment in the NHS.

Angela Davies

Personal interest by virtue of her employment with Cheshire and Wirral Partnership.

Tracy Elzeiny

Personal interest by virtue of her employment in the NHS.

Yvonne Nolan

Personal interest by virtue of her role as a governor of Clatterbridge Cancer Centre and Cheshire and Wirral Partnership.

Chris Davies

Personal interest by virtue of his role on the board of governors for Wirral University Teaching Hospital.

Councillor Ivan Camphor

Personal interest as a General Practitioner at Heatherlands Medical Centre, Medical Secretary for Mid-Mersey Medical Committee and a GP representative for Cheshire Mid-Mersey and his involvement as trustee for ‘incubabies’.

Clare O’Hagan

Personal interest by virtue of her employment in the NHS.