Issue - meetings

Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for the Municipal Year

Meeting: 13/10/2022 - Wirral Place Based Partnership Board (Item 6)

Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for the Municipal Year

Additional documents:


The Chair invited a discussion and proposals on the election of the Chair and Vice-Chair for the remainder of the 2022-23 municipal year.


A discussion ensued where it was suggested that the Chair should be neutral given the Place Director’s role in presenting reports to the Board. The counter view was made that the Place Director should be the Chair during the development of the Board whilst a process was developed to select an appropriate Chair.


It was felt that clarification was required on the time commitment and responsibility for the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board.


It was moved by Councillor Yvonne Nolan, seconded by Paul Satoor, that Simon Banks be elected Chair for the first three meetings.


Following a discussion, Simon Banks moved an amendment to the motion, to include an additional resolution ‘that the Wirral Place Governance Group be requested to work on a proposal on how to elect a Chair, to be reported back to the Board in December 2022.’ This was seconded by Paul Satoor. The amendment was accepted.


The Board then discussed the election of Vice-Chair and noted that in the absence of the Chair, the Board could elect a temporary Chair for that meeting.


The substantive motion was then put, and it was –


Resolved (unanimously) – That


(1) Simon Banks be elected as Chair of the Wirral Place Based Partnership Board for the first three meetings.


(2) the Wirral Place Governance Group be requested to work on a proposal on how to elect a Chair, to be reported back to the Board in December 2022.

Meeting: 14/09/2022 - Wirral Place Based Partnership Board (Item 6.)

Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for the Municipal Year