Issue - meetings
Information and Advice Service Commission
Meeting: 29/11/2022 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee (Item 60)
60 Information and Advice Service Commission PDF 328 KB
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The Director of Public Health presented the report which sought agreement from the Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee to progress proposed commissioning intentions for information and advice services. The report sets out the requirement for a local information and advice service to be recommissioned from April 2024, as a joint commission. The current service is experiencing increasing demand, supporting residents and communities with a wide range of issues.
The report set out the proposed funding model for the re-commission, including use of the Public Health Grant, given the strong links between the service outcomes, and improved population health. As part of the re-commissioning process, the potential to further integrate other information and advice services in Wirral will be explored. Evaluation undertaken to date would shape the delivery and outcomes of this recommission, and an evaluation of the new service will take place to inform future recommissions.
Members queried existing services available in Wirral currently, as well as access to information and advice though telephone services, though Citizens Advice Bureau, Libraries and Once Stop Shops. Questions around budget provisions and appointments waiting times were also asked by the committee. Members requested that further information be brought back to Committee, outlining existing provision and commissioning specification.
On a motion by Cllr Mary Jordan, Seconded by Cllr Ivan Camphor it was -
Resolved – That
(1) The Director of Public Health be authorised to re-commission the Wirral Information and Advice service totalling up to £7,000,000 (£1,400,000 per annum) for a three-year contract (1st April 2024 – 31st March 2027) with the option of a one year plus further one year extension.
(2) A report be bought back to the committee at a future date, mapping existing service provision and specification development, before the service goes out to tender.
(3) Delegated authority be given to the Director of Public Health to award the tender to the successful bidder following the tender process