Issue - meetings

Pooled Fund M5

Meeting: 10/11/2022 - Wirral Place Based Partnership Board (Item 26)

26 2022/23 Pooled Fund Finance Report to Month 5 August 2022 pdf icon PDF 529 KB

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The Associate Director of Finance (Cheshire and Merseyside) introduced the report which set out the arrangements in place to support effective integrated commissioning, including the budget and variations to the expenditure areas for agreement and inclusion within the 2022/23 pooled fund and the risk and gain share agreement.


It was reported that there was an overspend of £8.2m which was due to the CCG/ICB Wirral place pool commissioned services. This element of financial risk lay with the ICB and was predominantly due to Continuing Health Care and Mental Health packages of care (activity and price) operational pressures, which was being investigated, and therefore the ICB would meet the costs of this overspend. A deep dive into the main areas and a financial recovery plan had been requested and was now in the process of being developed. Mitigations had been identified and the Board was advised that a reduced figure was expected to be reported at the next meeting.


The Board discussed the mitigations that had been identified and it was outlined that further details on these could be shared with members. The financial recovery plan was being reviewed and it was proposed that the detail should be shared with the Board.


On a motion by Tim Welch, seconded by Dr David Jones, it was –


Resolved – That


(1)  it be noted that the forecast position for the Pool at Month 5 as currently a £8.2m overspend position due to the Clinical Commissioning Group / Integrated Care Board (ICB) Wirral Place pool commissioned services and that the ICB Wirral Place holds the financial risks on this overspend.

(2)  it be noted that due to the overspend financial position an urgent financial recovery plan was now being developed and in progress identifying responsible leads, actions and next steps, and that an update be provided to the January 2023 meeting of the Place Based Partnership Board.

(3)  it be noted that the shared risk arrangements were limited to the Better Care Fund only, which was reporting a break-even position.