Issue - meetings

Community Connector Service

Meeting: 29/11/2022 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee (Item 64)

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The Director of Public Health introduced the report which provided an update to the Committee on the current Community Connector service commissioned by Wirral Council. The report provided an overview of the Community Connector Service, its performance to date, the important role the service played in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and how the service will continue to evolve moving forwards.


The Community Connector service was commissioned in response to local insight undertaken to understand the support communities required to address health related worklessness in the borough.


Members were presented with a short video which was included within the report. They were advised that the service was commissioned to support referrals from statutory services and provide “door knocking” support. Service users had been supported into volunteering, further education and employment.


The Committee noted their appreciation of the service and queried how they could directly support the community by providing practical resources such as warm packs during the cost-of-living crisis. It was agreed that discussions should be had with the Community Connector service regarding signposting to warm hubs, handing out warm packs


On a motion by Councillor Nolan, seconded by Councillor Camphor it was,


Resolved – that


(1)  The report on community connectors be noted.

(2)  That officers work with Community Connectors to see if practical support can be introduced to help with the cost of living crisis.