Issue - meetings


Meeting: 30/01/2023 - Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee (Item 58)

58 Proposed 20MPH Speed Limit Scheme - Phase 1 pdf icon PDF 440 KB

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The Assistant Director for Highways and Infrastructure introduced the report of the Director of Neighbourhood Services which considered objections and comments of support submitted during the statutory consultation period for Phase 1 of the 20mph speed limit implementation project, which consists of 15 zones. The proposed 20mph speed limits applied to areas that were predominantly residential, retail, or educational. 


It was anticipated that bringing in more 20mph speed limits on roads in the borough would help perception of improved road safety for all road users. 20 mph speed limits also reduced greenhouse gas emissions contributing to the Council’s net zero objectives as part of its Climate Emergency declaration and could help make residential streets more pleasant and attractive places to live. The proposed scheme addressed the priorities of the Liverpool City Region Road Safety Strategy, the Council’s Road Safety Working Group, Wirral 2021-26 Plan and climate emergency declaration.


In response to Member’s comments about the disappointing number of responses to the consultation, The Assistant Director for Highways and Infrastructure outlined that due to the nature of the scheme and the zones encompassing large residential and business areas, it was agreed with Legal Services colleagues that the most effective consultation would be via publication of press releases, social media alerts, public notices and Wirral Council’s engagement tool ‘Have Your Say’ website, which satisfied the consultation requirements listed under Section 7 of The Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996.


A discussion ensued with Members querying the plan to dispel scepticism about the project and whether Wirral would be able to able to analyse collision data before and after the implementation of 20mph zones as other local authorities had done previously, it was clarified that Wirral did have access to such data and would be able to demonstrate the impact of the implementation. Furthermore, officers intended to utilise education and engagement initiatives and work with local policing teams for a shared approach to the rollout as well as identifying spokespeople and role models in the communities to be ambassadors of the scheme.


On a motion by Councillor Liz Grey, seconded by Councillor Steve Foulkes it was-


Resolved – That the proposal to introduce 20mph speed limits on all of the roads listed in Appendix B to this report be approved and officers be thanked for their hard work that went into the planning of this and future phases.