Issue - meetings

Investment Strategy 2023/24

Meeting: 27/02/2023 - Council (Item 87)

87 Investment Strategy 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 183 KB

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The seventh item requiring approval was in relation to the Investment Strategy 2023/24.


On a motion by Councillor Janette Williamson, seconded by Councillor Jean Robinson it was -


Resolved – That the Investment Strategy for 2023/2024 which includes potential investment in Service Investments: Loans (including the Approval Limit detailed in Table 1), Service Investment: Shares (non-currently held), Commercial Property and Loan Commitments and Financial Guarantees be approved.


Meeting: 15/02/2023 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 100)

100 Investment Strategy 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 437 KB

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The Director of Finance introduced the report which set out the Investment Strategy 2023/24 which fulfilled the requirement of the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to produce an investment strategy that covers non-treasury activities. The Strategy was produced following updated ‘Guidance on Local Government Investments’ in February 2018 following an increasing focus on commercial activities for local authorities including but not exclusive to property.


Resolved – That Council be recommended to approve the Investment Strategy for 2023/2024 which includes potential investment in Service Investments: Loans (including the Approval Limit detailed in Table 1), Service Investment: Shares (non-currently held), Commercial Property and Loan Commitments and Financial Guarantees.