Issue - meetings

Exempt Appendix - Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan 2023/24

Meeting: 15/02/2023 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 106)

106 Exempt Appendix - Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2023/24

Additional documents:


Members discussed the detail provided in the exempted appendices and gave consideration to the possibility that information relating to Libraries and Leisure Services had been discussed earlier in the meeting during debates on previous items. It was suggested that the exempt information, as it related to Libraries and Leisure Services no longer needed to be exempt and as such, could be released for public consumption.


On a motion by Councillor Tom Anderson, seconded by Councillor Lesley Rennie, it was –


Resolved (9:6) That – the appendices remain exempt, with the exception of information relating to Libraries and Leisure Services which should be made available for public consumption.