Issue - meetings

Carbon Budget Performance Report 2023/23

Meeting: 19/06/2023 - Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee (Item 6)

6 Carbon Budget Performance Report 2023/23 pdf icon PDF 380 KB

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The Assistant Director for Climate Change and Environment introduced the report of the Director of Regeneration and Place. Members were informed that this was the third annual Carbon Budget Performance Report and covers the 2022/23 financial year. It showed actual emissions compared against the 2022/23 Carbon Budget Target. This allowed the Council to measure progress towards its target of carbon net zero by 2030 as included in the Environment and Climate Emergency Policy.


The Carbon Budget emissions limit for 2022/23 was 5,944 tonnes CO2e. Net actual emissions were 5,661 tonnes CO2e which is 283 tonnes CO2e below the limit set for the year. It is expected that future Carbon Budget targets will become progressively more difficult to achieve and considerable effort will be needed to remain on-track. The Carbon Budget sets an emissions limit of 4,505 tonnes CO2e for 2023/24 – a reduction of 1,003 tonnes CO2e in comparison to 2022/23 performance. This reduction will only be achieved if fossil fuel use for heating is reduced significantly. The reduction in emissions over 2021/22 has been achieved because of green electricity purchase and reduced use of energy in Council assets. Emissions associated with use of electrical energy have also reduced because of adjustments to Government conversion factors. Although the target has been met, the reduction of emissions associated with use of fossil fuels is identified as a key issue that needs to be prioritised.


Actions to preserve current performance and achieve further reductions are described. Steps to include more emissions sources for the next re-baselining are noted and documented. Longer-term issues that will have to be addressed to meet the 2030 target are noted.


Progress of the actions was summarised within the report, which looks ahead to priority actions the next 12 months to ensure that the Council remains on track to deliver its carbon budget targets. Members were informed that the single most important action for the Council to undertake in the coming years is the decarbonisation of its buildings to reach net zero.


Members queried the achievability of the targets for all Council Departments and if performance indicators were in place. Members were informed that the first carbon budget targets were introduced in 2010 and was refreshed in 2019 to meet net zero targets. Some will meet targets more easily, but officers are working closely with departments to ensure that the right actions are taken to meet targets, however it is not prescriptive.



Resolved, that - Council’s performance and progress towards its target of carbon net zero by 2030 be noted and a copy of this report be sent to all Members.