Issue - meetings

Grounds Maintenance Machinery – Award of Contract

Meeting: 19/06/2023 - Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee (Item 10)

10 Grounds Maintenance Machinery – Award of Contract pdf icon PDF 342 KB

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The Strategic Manager for Parks and Gardens introduced the report of the Director of Neighbourhoods.


This report requested that the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee approve the purchase of Parks Machinery, following a recent competitive tender exercise, from the Parks Machinery Capital included in the Council's Capital Programme. This report supports two key priorities in the delivery of the Wirral Plan: -


 · Sustainable Environment – the Parks Machinery will be used to manage parks and open spaces, including the management of woodland, beaches, and rewilding / pollinator areas.


· Active & Healthy Lives – The Parks Machinery will be used to maintain the significant number of play pitches within the borough and recreational parkland.


Members were informed that The Parks & Countryside Service used a wide variety of machinery to maintain Wirral’s parks and open spaces, play pitches, cemeteries, highway verges and beaches. The majority of machinery was 10 years old or older and has reached the end of its useful life and needs to be replaced.


Members queried the purchase of the beach rake, but not the tractor. Members were informed that the rake was required and that purchasing a tractor would follow. Members noted that some of the equipment used by parks and countryside was past its best, and highlighted how important it is to maintain outside spaces.


Resolved – that the Director of Neighbourhoods be authorised, following the recent competitive tender exercise, to award the contracts to purchase the Grounds Maintenance Machinery detailed in this report from the highest scoring bidders in accordance with the Most Economically Advantageous Tenderer Criteria.